The first three modules of the Digital Skills Programme were delivered to Year 4 with the remaining three delivered to Year 5.
The school chose this option as they felt the lessons best complemented the curriculum they were already teaching.
Our approach
Tamara and Connor received a warm welcome from the Head and Deputy Head of the school who showed them to their first classroom and introduced them to the class teachers Miss Wilde and Miss Copperthwaite. They discussed the structure and expectations of the day and set up ready to educate an eager Year 4 class.
The impact
Both classes were engaged throughout the entire sessions, volunteering their personal experiences and knowledge and completing the work set for them. Year 5 found the careers lesson particularly informative as most had not considered STEM careers before the lesson, whereas by the end of the lesson they were much more open to the idea. They were especially keen on social media and content creator opportunities.
Sadie, Year 4, said: “Thank you. I really enjoyed our workshop and I learned a lot, especially the AI pictures”.
The success of the Digital Skills Programme at Escrick Primary School is a testament to the power of community collaboration in education. By working together, we have not only enhanced the digital literacy of Year 4 and 5 students but also inspired a newfound interest in STEM careers among young learners. This initiative highlights the importance of supporting local schools and fostering a learning environment where children can explore new possibilities and gain valuable skills for their future.
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*Investment on return shows the positive impact Quickline makes for the money it spends.