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Back to class with Quickline and Tech She Can

We’ve teamed up with Tech She Can and together we are spending time in classrooms with children across Yorkshire and Lincolnshire, delivering career inspiration sessions.

Back to class with Quickline and Tech She Can

Recently Quickline and Tech She Can went to Academy St. James in Bradford to talk to them about tech for connectivity.

The sessions were designed and funded by Quickline and the team at Tech She Can are delivering them in schools.

Tamara Butterworth, social value executive at Quickline explained: “We’ve partnered with Tech She Can to inspire children, especially girls, into technology careers of the future. The fact that they inspire females to grab these opportunities is a very big thing for us and we want to support them in doing that.”

Tech She Can teacher Fran Bartlett, said: “In all our Tech She Can lessons we aim to teach the children about the tech careers that are out there and opportunities so that girls and boys get hands on tech experience and we also really like to tap into their hobbies and interests and show them through role models and activities that they really can link into the jobs that they will do in the future.”

Executive Headteacher at St James Academy, Chris Tolson said: “For us, particularly where we are in Bradford, nearly half of our children who come to school here are disadvantaged so this project really supports those children to get the best opportunities that they can get. We’re always looking outward from school; we want businesses, we want companies, we want to work alongside them so we are engaging with professionals, people who understand how this works, to really give our children the best start. Having this chance to work alongside Quickline is a great opportunity for that.”

Fran added: “We’re really excited to work alongside Quickline and happy that we can help to bridge the digital divide and equip the children in West Yorkshire particularly in our rural areas to have the skills for their learning, for their education and for future opportunities.”

Learn more on how Quickline are supporting communities across Yorkshire and Lincolnshire or follow us on LinkedIn to stay in-the-know.

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